February 2025 Back In Stock List
A list of products that have arrived in February 2025. We cannot guarantee that items will remain in stock; we recommend purchasing quickly. Beads are sorted by type and size. Beads are listed in order of their Bead & Powwow Supply SKUs, which go from pink-red-orange-yellow-green-turquoise/aqua blues-sapphire/cobalt blues-purple/amethyst-white/grey/black-topaz/brown, with lighter shades before darker shades. Links to each item in the item name. If a link is incorrect, please let us know through the Contact Us page.
We receive shipments of beads every month but we usually don't know what will arrive until we open the boxes. So we're unable to confidently say what is or is not arriving at any given time. If an item you want is out of stock, please sign up for the waiting list, and you'll be informed via email as soon as it's available again.
Thread, Tools, and more!
AS8WH White Artificial Sinew 8oz Spool
BFWH4.5-4 Beading Foundation 4.25x5.5 White (4 pc)
BLM5 Bead Loom Kit
MBT-02 Miyuki Beading Thread Eggshell-50 Meter Spool
SW35 Beadsmith Power Spinner 2 Needles + 3 Cups w/lids
TH0462OOW Nymo 3oz Cone OO White
VAC01 CraftVac Mini Vacuum USB Rechargeable
11/0 Delica Bead Tubes
DB-MIX01-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Mix Lilacs -Apprx 7.2gm
DB031-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Gold 24k Plated Aprx 7.2 Gm
DB208-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Opaque Tan Aprx 7.2 Gm
DB214-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Opaque Red Luster -Apprx 7.2gm
DB351-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Matte White Aprx 6.6 Gm
DB411-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Galvanized Gold Dyed Aprx 7.2 Gm
DB656-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Dyed Opaque Jade Gr. Aprx 7.2 Gm
DB661-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Dyed Opaque Purple Aprx 7.2 Gm
DB753-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Opaque DarkRed Aprx 7.2 Gm
DB2034-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Luminous Flamingo-Apprx 7.2gm
DB2041-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Luminous Honeycomb-Apprx 7.2gm
DB2044-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Luminous Guava-Apprx 7.2gm
DB2045-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Luminous Mango-Apprx 7.2gm
DB2066-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Luminous Mix 6 -Apprx 7.2gm
DB2068-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Luminous Mix 8 -Apprx 7.2gm
DB2102-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Duracoat Opq Banana -Aprx 7.2gm/Tb
DB2105-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Duracoat Opq Beige -Aprx 7.2gm/Tb
DB2118-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Duracoat Opq Pansy -Aprx 7.2gm/Tb
DB2353-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Duracoat Opq Raspberry Aprx 7.2gm/ Tb
DB2354-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Duracoat Opq Barn Red Aprx 7.2gm/Tb
DB2501-TB 11/0 Delica Bead Duracoat Galv Pale Gold Aprx 7.2 Gm
11/0 Delica Beads 50-gram Bags
DB010-50 11/0 Delica BeadBlack 50 Gm Bag
DB200-50 11/0 Delica Bead Opaque Chalk White 50 Gm Bag
DB310-50 11/0 Delica Bead Black Matte 50 Gm Bag